Public Art and Memorial Art
17th and 24th November 2015 – 5.00-8.00 pm
Alberto Garutti, artist, professor at IUAV Venezia and at School of Design of Politecnico di Milano
Luca Illetterati, philosopher, professor of Theoretical Philosophy atUniversità degli Studi Padova
Marcello Maloberti, artist, professor ofi Visual Arts at Naba New Academy Milan
Gabi Scardi, contemporary art critic, professor at Università Cattolica di Milano
Antonio Ferrari, journalist Corriere della Sera, Middle East expert
Roberto Jarach, Vicepresident Unione delle comunità ebraiche italiane and Fondazione Memoriale della Shoah, Milan
Gabriele Nissim, journalist and writer, founder of Gariwo and president of the Foresta dei Giusti Committee, Milan
Adachiara Zevi, architect and art historian, president of the Fondazione Bruno Zevi and of the association Arteinmemoria, Rome
Conferences and Debate
– Public Art
– Memorial Art